+61 (7) 5502 2428


In Store Music

In Store Music runs on a dependable, easy to use digital player.

Our 30 Day Free Trial offer includes the use of a solid state player unit on which to run the trial program.

We will pre-load the 30 Day Trial program onto the player unit. When you receive it all you have to do is connect it to a suitable amplifier and speakers.

Couldn't be easier! Just plug and play!

At the end of the 30 DAY FREE TRIAL we hope you will see the benefits of In Store Music and sign up for a subscription.

When you decide to subscribe to In Store Music you don't have to return the player unit. Keep it and we will send you the first full In Store Music program.

On the other hand, should you decide to not take up a subscription you will need to return the player unit.

These remarkable little players are super reliable and reproduce excellent quality sound. For maintenance they simply need an occasional dust with a soft cloth.